About this Blog

Cynthia M. Parkhill sits at library desk with keyboard, monitor, barcode scanner, small stack of barcoded books and a sheet of barcodes in front of her at the counter. She's wearing her white-image-against-black 'Narwhal' hoodie for Santa Rosa Charter School for the Arts, decorated with metallic gold trim along the edge of the hood, and her newsboy hat with a brim and alternating panels of white-against-black elephant pattern brocade with red stripes. The remaining panels of the hat are solid olive-green, and solid denim-blue. The hat band is solid olive-green. She is also wearing sparkly green-knit wristers that just peek out beneath the long sleeves of the hoodie.

This blog is an expression of things that are important to me. First and foremost, it reflects my efforts toward librarianship.

For 15 years, ​I’ve volunteered and also worked professionally in libraries. I currently work as a Library Technician at Santa Rosa Charter School for the Arts in Santa Rosa, CA. My work in the library encompasses youth services, circulation, collection development, outreach, and library technical services.

I am taking graduate courses in Library and Information Science through the University of Central Missouri.

My ambitions for librarianship are to:
  1. Foster a love of reading,
  2. Create library “repeat customers,” and
  3. Encourage life-long learning.
My underlying focus is to deliver exceptional customer service in all of my professional relationships, with an especial wish that every child I serve, becomes a “lifetime” customer of the library.

Through in-person connections, graphic design, blogging, and social media, I’m an experienced communicator and promoter of library resources, policies, and procedures. I draw upon a background that includes professional writing and editing for both print and online platforms.

I consider creativity to be my “superpower,” and especially like to express myself through various textile arts: knitting, crochet, sewing, and weaving.

My interests also include policies that support public transportation and commuting via self-powered means. In a spin-off blog, “Librarian on a Bicycle,” I explore alternatives to auto-dependent traveling.

I often draw attention to issues faced by adults on the autism spectrum. I have special concern for the targets of bullying among both children and adults.

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