
Two stacks of textbooks on library counter
Processing textbooks, Santa Rosa Charter School for the Arts
The combination of my professional and volunteer experience gives me more than 10 years in libraries. I’ve worked professionally as a paralibrarian since October 2013, when I was hired as Library Assistant at Bellview Elementary School in the Ashland School District, Ashland, Oregon.

In May 2017, I returned to Santa Rosa, California. I work as a Library Technician at Santa Rosa Charter School for the Arts (within Santa Rosa City Schools).

As a volunteer (2010 to 2013) with the Lake County Library, I shelved returns and located and processed holds. These holds might be destined for any library within a cooperative lending partnership between Sonoma, Lake and Mendocino County libraries.

During move-in of the Middletown library collection to a new and larger facility, I trained and supervised other volunteers to correctly shelve library materials.

At a local church, I volunteered as administrator of a small lending library. When I started work, the library occupied an out-of-the way shelf — its existence largely out of mind in the congregation’s awareness.

I was convinced that people would utilize this resource if I boosted its visibility. I presented a purchase request to the church board for a shelving cart to house the library collection. This enabled me to bring the church library each Sunday into the meeting hall. I also engaged in ongoing publicity through blogging, social media, email campaigns, and fliers.

Support for libraries made regular appearances in a weekly newspaper column published in the Lake County Record-Bee. (I worked professionally as a newspaper editor while volunteering for the library.)

From 2010 to 2014, I earned my Associate degree in Library and Information Technology through Cuesta College in San Luis Obispo, Calif. In 2015, I completed additional coursework to earn certification of specialization in library service to children.

While in school, I became a student member of the American Library Association.

I continue to develop my skills through independent study. And, as of Spring 2022, I have been taking graduate courses in Library and Information Science through the University of Central Missouri.