Thursday, July 25, 2024

“How are you feeling about this upcoming school year?”

I’m looking forward to a new semester in my graduate program. This semester, I am taking a course in “Culturally Competent Librarianship.” This is a subject that is near and dear to my heart, due to my intersectional identities as someone who is both autistic and nonbinary.

I am doubly a minority, who historically has had few opportunities to see myself in the media I consume. Representation in both cases is much better today, although it still represents only a small fraction of characters in books, television, movies, streaming, etc. – and sometimes these depictions still suffer from inaccuracies and misrepresentation.

On the work-front, I am beginning a new year at Santa Rosa Charter School for the Arts. I’m looking forward to another year of serving customers in the library. Another year of curating a diverse library collection and advancing awareness of the library and its resources in my school community.

During the brief interval between the end of summer school and the beginning of a new school year, I plan to read books, do some writing, and maybe produce some #BookTube videos.

My YouTube channel has consistently grown since I began posting videos during the COVID shut-down.

Creating the videos gave me something to do, and I like to think that they also helped maintain connections while everyone was so isolated. When things reopened, I continued posting videos: about books, the importance of libraries, and things related to my studies and my personal identities.

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