“We try for a balance of genres,” Elke H. Bruton, OBOB administrative chair, stated via email. “Each book needs to be detailed or long enough to support the writing of 80 quality questions and should have high appeal to kids all over Oregon.”
OBOB is a voluntary reading motivation and comprehension program for third- to 12th-grade students. Each year, participants are exposed to quality literature representing a variety of literary styles and viewpoints.
Teachers, librarians, students and other readers of children’s and Young Adult literature are invited to submit nominations in third- to fifth-grade, sixth- to eighth-grade and ninth- to 12th-grade divisions. Nominations are due Nov. 15.
Bruton asked that nominations be available in paperback and that if nominating a series book, the first book in the series is the one that is usually used.
A title archive of OBOB Books can be downloaded as an Excel spreadsheet from http://oboblsta.pbworks.com/. Questions can be emailed to Meg Miranda, obobtitlechair@gmail.com.
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