Saturday, April 20, 2013

Webinar to focus on library service to people with disabilities

A webinar about library services to people with disabilities is of interest to me as an aspiring library professional who is on the autism spectrum. In four sessions, course dates run from April 22 to May 19.

The Association of Specialized and Cooperative Library Agencies, a division of the American Library Association, will host two live online sessions from 2 to 3 p.m. Central Time, May 2 and 16.

Taught by Kate Todd, the webinar syllabus encompasses concerns I have written about: “invisible” disabilities and the use of respectful, inclusive language.

Other issues include changes in laws and assistive technology at the library.

In the fourth session, library staff will recommend changes in personal and organizational behaviors to improve services for people with disabilities. Toward this effort, I recommend hiring people with disabilities.

There is a cost to attend this webinar but participants earn CEUs. For more information, visit

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