Friday, August 30, 2024

Hummingbird, by Natalie Lloyd

Each Friday that school is in session, I share the link to a read-aloud preview of a book from SRCSA library. The “First-chapter Friday” selection for Aug. 30, 2024 is Hummingbird, by Natalie Lloyd.

Friday, August 23, 2024

New From Here, by Kelly Yang

Each Friday that school is in session, I share the link to a read-aloud preview of a book from SRCSA library. The “First-chapter Friday” selection for Aug. 23, 2024 is New From Here, by Kelly Yang.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

UCM, LIS 5350 : Introductions

In Fall 2024, I am taking a course in “Culturally Competent Librarianship” through the graduate program in Library and Information Science, University of Central Missouri. Among things I’m looking forward to this year is a department book-club reading of Verified by Mike Caulfield and Samuel S. Wineburg. And check out a couple of fun pictures of myself: a “Wanted” poster for my cosplay of Monkey D. Luffy from the One Piece franchise, and a photo from my junior college days, where I look like a young Justin Bieber.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Three Strike Summer, by Skyler Schrempp

Each Friday that school is in session, I share the link to a read-aloud preview of a book from SRCSA library. The “First-chapter Friday” selection for Aug. 16, 2024 is Three Strike Summer, by Skyler Schrempp.

Friday, August 9, 2024

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

SRCSA library : New school year, 2024-2025

It’s a new school year and I have boxes to go through before the library is habitable for customers. I ask for your patience as I prepare the library for your use.

Monday, August 5, 2024

Lake County Library memories

To commemorate 50 years of service in Lake County, California, Lake County Library has invited people to share their memories of the library system. Here are my memories of volunteering as a shelver at the Lakeport and Middletown libraries.

Friday, August 2, 2024

Book-Talk : Homebody, by Theo Parish

This is a graphic memoir of how the author, Theo Parish, came to understand and to comfortably inhabit their nonbinary identity. I really enjoyed this memoir, and I felt grateful for the representation and the visibility it provided me.

Free Period, by Ali Terese (eBook preview)

Presenting … First-chapter Friday, the eBook edition. August’s selection features Free Period, by Ali Terese: Read via the Libby app, obtained through Sacramento Public Library.