Monday, August 24, 2015

Steve Silberman slams ‘Autism Speaks’

People on the autism spectrum are the ones “most often sidelined or excluded” from public discussions of their condition. For author Steve Silberman, the organization “Autism Speaks” is a case in point. In his Los Angeles Times op/ed, Silberman argues that this organization, which sets “the global scientific agenda” on autism, needs to listen to, and truly serve the needs of, autistic people and their families.

1 comment:

  1. Update: Silberman's op/ed appears Aug. 31 in the Miami Herald, with the headline, "Autism Speaks needs to listen more closely to the people it has failed." That, in itself, should be the take-away message for anyone who harbors illusions that Autism Speaks is an "advocacy group." I'm glad that branded media are giving Silberman a platform, and all-the-more want to read his book, "NeuroTribes."


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